Page name: Legend of the Obsidian Kings [Logged in view] [RSS]
2012-04-11 15:07:39
Last author: The Dizzy Raven
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# of watchers: 10
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Legend of the Obsidian King has been remade and moved to of!!!!! Just to let everyone know! So, if you have an account there and wish to continue in the rp, that's where you need to go! :D


~Welcome To~

~Legend of the Obsidian Kings~





Long ago in the land of Nelarrell there was a powerful kingdom known as the Starlight Empire where a great and merciful Elf King named Lord Estaroth Obsidian ruled with his wife Vana. Together they had three children, two years separating each child. Amadeous Obsidian was the first born, Josiah Obsidian was born as the middle child, and Jaina Obsidian was the youngest of the three and the most beautiful. The world was at peace as they grew up spending time together in their parents' royal Moon Garden located in the castle courtyard. By the time they became of age (Amadeous, twenty years; Josiah, eighteen years; and Jaina sixteen years), a darkness rose in a land called Dar'call where a malicious empire was thriving in the forbidden Mountains of Chaos. It became known as the Foularbor Empire, the one empire where the sinister Lord Fallacore reigned without mercy. This evil ruler slayed King Estaroth and Queen Vana, leaving the young Obsidian siblings as orphans in a devastated Nelarrell. Now, ten years later, the three are going to be crowned as Elf Kings like their father and mother was. Once they are rendered as gracious lords, shall you join them in their quest to destroy the Foularbor Empire? Or shall you join the forces of the ruthless Lord Fallacore in his conspiracies to conquer over both Nelarrell and the globe. The choice is yours alone to decide.

Roleplay Starting Date

December 17, 1508 (Winter)

(Date will change as the roleplay progresses through in-game days. It will be announced when a new day has come... In fact, I'll post the new dates so no one gets confused. ;) )


LOK Rules
Please read before joining

LOK Members
Where the members and their characters are placed

(main section)
(Section for Foularbor members to start out in)
Where the legend begins and where it shall end in time to come

LOK Information
Information about the roleplay itself, different creatures new to the fantasy realm, tales, races, ranks/ occupational titles, and information on the three kingdoms (yes, three kingdoms. Two isn't enough). Every roleplayer of LOK needs to take a look at this, especially on the three kingdoms section. There are three wikis there that will be helpful to you. It's not a whole lot of reading (pretty light, I would say), but you're welcome to take your time.

LOK Storyline
Viewable only by mods [....not finished....]

LOK Questions & Suggestions Center
Please, if you have any ideas for the whole wiki itself, let me know here. Even if they are wiki fix-up suggestions. This wiki is freely editable.

[Special Note To All:]Remember the member limit thing? I decided not to make a limit on members, but I still want a limited amount of 3 characters (not including owner), though if you want more than three, please ask me. I can make some nice places for your character, like houses or a room in any of the castles depending on your character's rank or occupational name, taverns, special training grounds... you name it! :)

[Roleplay is now dead due to inactivity]


Username (or number or email):


2009-01-02 [Eyelash-Wishes]: very interesting lol

2009-01-02 [The Dizzy Raven]: XD thanks
I'm still working on it. it will be a little while before it's completely set up

2009-01-02 [Eyelash-Wishes]: oh right ok.
well is it ok if I join when it is fully set up? :)

2009-01-02 [The Dizzy Raven]: of course! you can actually join now if you'd like. the roleplay should be completely set up by tonight.

2009-01-02 [Eyelash-Wishes]: cool. :D
ok well i'll start making up my character now

2009-01-02 [The Dizzy Raven]: okey dokey! Well, i hope you have fun with the rp once it's up and running.

2009-01-03 [Eyonic]: hmmm...this looks unique

2009-01-03 [The Dizzy Raven]: it's taking me forever to get the information thought up. and it took me all day today and all day wednesday to get this place set up. XD serious time waster, right?

2009-01-03 [Piplup]: Its never a time waster!! lol

2009-01-03 [The Dizzy Raven]: XD yeah, ur right ^^

2009-01-05 [Araglas]: Please tell me I'm allowed to join!!??


*puppy dog eyes*

2009-01-05 [The Dizzy Raven]: yes, you may!!! ^_^

2009-01-05 [Araglas]: I can!! YAYYY!!!!! I WILL!!!

2009-01-05 [Araglas]: Next time Im on I'll finish work on my character

2009-01-05 [Araglas]: got one in the works

2009-01-05 [The Dizzy Raven]: awesome!!! ^_^ i hope you have fun!

2009-01-05 [The Dizzy Raven]: XD! Actually it's mine, but oh well. lol

2009-01-05 [Demon Epona]: XD Yeah, I just saw that. :P I saw it on Nic's mood thing and it confused me. ^///^

Nice rp Rose. :P I look forward to joining!

2009-01-05 [The Dizzy Raven]: lol Thanks. XD!!
Well, if you do, i hope you enjoy yourself. ^^

2009-01-06 [Rook.]: sooo... what exactly is this about...?

2009-01-06 [Draymond]: Did you read the description?

2009-01-07 [Rook.]: Yes. adn it confuses me

2009-01-07 [The Dizzy Raven]: it's a roleplay ^^

2009-01-08 [Rook.]: I know that much... it just confuses me with the different fealities, how it all ties in, etc.

2009-01-10 [The Dizzy Raven]: well, there are three kingdoms. two of which you can swear fealties to. You can also have a character with no a ranger, traveller...or a wanderer.

2009-01-11 [Demon Epona]: Illadriel, can I claim one of the two remaining member spots? I'd really like to join, and I've already got part of a bio.

2009-01-11 [The Dizzy Raven]: of course! ^_^

2009-01-12 [Rook.]: *bows* ithink I shall withdrawl and perhaps join up another time.

2009-01-12 [The Dizzy Raven]: *bows in return*

well, my friend, it is your choice to decide and whatever you choose will be all right.

2009-01-13 [Rook.]: Alright

2009-01-13 [Araglas]: I'll have my character ready soon! I've been busy as of late and haven't had time to fill the form out..but! I have the perfect character in mind.

2009-01-14 [The Dizzy Raven]: that's all right!! take your time ^^

2009-01-17 [Araglas]: lol I meant to ask you something, its about my character Ill message you

2009-01-19 [The Dizzy Raven]: okies ^^ I replied to it already

2009-01-19 [Araglas]: ok thankies!!

2009-01-19 [The Dizzy Raven]: yw ^^

2009-01-20 [Araglas]: I will get to work right away!!! I was waiting till I got the ok from you before I made my character! But now I can!! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!

2009-01-20 [The Dizzy Raven]: lol ^_^ have fun ^^

2009-01-21 [Araglas]: I will most definatly have fun!!!!!

2009-04-11 [The Dizzy Raven]: good ^^

2009-05-13 [The Dizzy Raven]: hey, guys, we need to get the roleplay going at an ok pace. I need someone to post.

2009-05-13 [Prater]: Ooh sounds awesome!

2009-05-13 [The Dizzy Raven]: Welcome! ^_^
I'm glad you think so

2009-06-05 [Prater]: Hey guys I don't have the time to begin a new RP, but thank you for letting me take a look at the wiki ^__^

2009-06-05 [The Dizzy Raven]: yo're welcome ^_^

2009-06-08 [Ace118]: Hi I am new

2009-06-08 [Chaotix Palidien]: helloo all :D

2009-06-08 [Draymond]: Welcome!

2009-06-08 [Ace118]: Thanks

2009-06-09 [Chaotix Palidien]: hello draygun lol

2009-06-09 [Draymond]: Salut! Bonjour! Aloha! Hello! ... Erm ... its late and my language faculties are failing me. Will that do?

2009-06-09 [The Dizzy Raven]: lol Hello, everyone! ^_^

2009-06-09 [Synirria]: I'm creating a character, is that okay?

2009-06-10 [The Dizzy Raven]: Uh huh ^^

2009-06-10 [The Dizzy Raven]: would anyone like to play as Kira Firestorm (who is a member of the Foularbor Empire)? I feel as if I have to many characters, so I was just wondering. If one of you would like to play her character, please let me know. Read her biography before considering.

2009-06-15 [Darth Jacein]: hmmm

2009-06-15 [The Dizzy Raven]: ^^ hello

2009-06-26 [The Overtaker]: This sounds like a good rp, Angel. Mind if i join. I believe I have some time to work on rps. My parents are letting me do a bit of internet now.

2009-06-26 [The Dizzy Raven]: Goodness!! Of course, you can!!
Just send me the bios for your character through messaging and if you have any questions, let it be in messaging, too because I'm busy working on some rps ^o^ Or you can call me. You know what my new number is right?

2009-06-26 [The Overtaker]: Sure thing
and thanks

2009-07-02 [The Dizzy Raven]: you're welcome ^^

2009-07-02 [Ace118]: Where do I introduce my self

2009-07-02 [Araglas]: well at the moment the rp room lok rp room

2010-03-20 [Ace118]: Is this still running I lost where I am :(

2010-03-20 [The Dizzy Raven]: yeah It's still running, just slowly. it will get somewhere eventually

2010-03-22 [Ace118]: Whould you mind helping me oh and there are far toooo many people as well that ignore me and its not very nice

2010-03-22 [The Dizzy Raven]: I might be able to once I can. For a couple of days I'm going to be busy working on scholarships

2010-03-23 [Araglas]: Well right now Nic and I are talking, the banquet hasn't started just yet, and I've been kinda sick so if I have ignored your askings for help please exscuse me.

2010-03-23 [The Dizzy Raven]: it's alright. no need to say sorry ^_^
but I do hope you feel better soon

2010-03-23 [Ace118]: Same form me here I wish you all the best

2010-03-26 [The Dizzy Raven]: Ace, you can return your characters to the banquette. I'm going to be setting something up there soon.

2010-03-26 [Ace118]: When you put a link up and clean out what is needed there is also a need of a new page I thought I would tell you that I tried but it would not let me either due to ssever issuses on the day I tried or there really is a need for a new page

2010-03-27 [Draymond]: *run-on induced cringe*

2010-03-28 [The Dizzy Raven]: lol (dray)
well, I'll see what I can do.

2010-03-28 [Draymond]: <img:61691_1126352591.gif>

2010-03-28 [Araglas]: <img:61691_1132936287.gif>

2010-03-28 [Draymond]: <img:img/mood/61513_1224163255.gif>

2010-03-28 [Araglas]: <img:61691_1132959456.gif>

2010-03-29 [Ace118]: <img:61691_1132936287.gif>

2010-03-29 [The Dizzy Raven]: ^_^ how cute

2010-11-07 [Araglas]: makes me sad...I worked really really hard on my character for this..

2010-11-07 [The Dizzy Raven]: I'm sorry. :( It's been dead for a long time and i don't think there's a way of reviving it :(

2010-11-07 [Draymond]: Me as well. 'Tis sad.

2010-11-08 [The Dizzy Raven]: sigh :(

2010-11-08 [Araglas]: *hugs* Well at least your other weiki is alive even if it is just me and you nic

2010-11-09 [The Dizzy Raven]: yeah :) *hugs back* thanks ^^

2010-11-09 [The Dizzy Raven]: what's funny is that the other rp is much older than this one XD for some reason my older rps of years ago do better than the newer ones

2010-11-09 [Araglas]: ^_^ *hugs*

2010-11-14 [Ace118]: HUGS RULE

2010-11-14 [Draymond]: Ugh

2010-11-16 [The Dizzy Raven]: lol

2011-02-10 [Araglas]: ^_^

2011-02-10 [The Dizzy Raven]: :P *hugs*

2011-02-13 [Araglas]: ^_^ *huggles back*

2011-02-14 [The Dizzy Raven]: SQUEEEEEEE!!!!

2011-02-15 [Araglas]: lol ^_^

2011-02-15 [The Dizzy Raven]: :3 meow

2011-02-15 [Araglas]: lol kitty!

2011-02-15 [The Dizzy Raven]: yay :3 I'm trying to find a way to break the news to my parents that I'm bi @.@ my awesome lesbian aunt is helping me out

2011-02-15 [Araglas]: aww I hope it goes well sweety! I know how it feels.

2011-02-15 [The Dizzy Raven]: yeah. thanks. :( Most of my family is Christian and anti-gay, so it'll be hard. I don't understand why people hate it so much. You can't choose your preference. It naturally happens. I've been bi since middle school. and some people are born with both genders. They can't fucking help it. So, i don't understand why homosexuality is wrong. And I fucking hate the bible because of what it says about gays. I want to go on a bible burning spree. It's a bunch of bullshit that was only developed to maintain order, nothing more. AND AND I know my parents will use it against me. >:(

2011-02-16 [Araglas]: The bible is the "word" og "God" inturprestted by man, and man is fallable. Man is not perfect, so who is to say they didn't write some of their own prejudices down?

2011-02-16 [The Dizzy Raven]: exactly :(

2011-02-16 [Araglas]: I will just hope it goes well ^_^

2011-02-16 [The Dizzy Raven]: thanks :3

2011-02-17 [Araglas]: welcome! ^_^

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